Saturday, 31 March 2012


Presents... by Ev0luti0nary
Presents..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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I got this in the mail yesterday and I didn't get a chance to take a picture of them yesterday so here they are in case you guys haven't seen a print before. I also got a letter from Gillian and it was longwinded and boring, just kidding I loved reading it.

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Friday, 30 March 2012

Ideas or the lack of them can cause disease...

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I took this about 2 days ago with the Nikon film camera I found. I literally didn't know how I was framing this shot since I just pointed it up and towards the wall. I'm glad this shot worked out, I might use this for my final assignment.

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The practice of art isn't to make a living. It's to make your soul grow...

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This is one of the shots I'll be submitting for one of my photography final assignments. I think it's one of my favourites, and it's the only one that is still goes with my original idea. Anyway I still need to upload another picture to catch up.

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Through it all...

Through it all... by Ev0luti0nary
Through it all..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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I've been so busy with final projects, luckily it'll be over soon. I can't wait to just relax and not have so many photo assignments. Taking two photography courses back to back probably wasn't a great idea. But I still enjoyed the two classes.

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Monday, 26 March 2012

Honey, well...

Honey, well... by Ev0luti0nary
Honey, well..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Today just felt like on of those days where I just didn't want to do anything at all. It felt like everything was just bringing me down. I don't know if it was the weather or not but it just wan't my day today.

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Sunday, 25 March 2012

Long Lost Friend...

Long Lost Friend... by Ev0luti0nary
Long Lost Friend..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Found this old film camera that we used to have before we got one of the earliest digital cameras ever. Today was alright, I can't wait to see how the shots will come out. I have some fujifilm neopan 400 in it.

Everyone should watch this Henri-Cartier Bresson interview.!

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An explanation of cause is not a justification by reason...

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This is for yesterday, I didn't get a chance to take a proper photo since I was at a cousin's birthday party. That was pretty much the highlight of my weekend. I know my life is action packed and filled with adventure.

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Friday, 23 March 2012

Mighty Castle...

Mighty Castle... by Ev0luti0nary
Mighty Castle..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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I know I cheated on my 365 again. I wasn't happy with any of the shots that I took today, plus it was a pretty cloudy and depressing day. I need to go on an explore-a-thon. Whatever that is. This is a shot of a little castle in a wooded area at university.

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Solidarity... by Ev0luti0nary
Solidarity..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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I know I cheated on my 365 again. I wasn't happy with any of the shots that I took today, plus it was a pretty cloudy and depressing day. I need to go on an explore-a-thon. Whatever that is. I'm sure you all remember this shot I took with my polaroid. I couldn't resist taking another shot of these trees.

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Arriving Home...

Arriving Home... by Ev0luti0nary
Arriving Home..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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I know I cheated on my 365 again. I wasn't happy with any of the shots that I took today, plus it was a pretty cloudy and depressing day. I need to go on an explore-a-thon. Whatever that is. Here is a shot of the new airport that was completed a while ago.

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Thursday, 22 March 2012

Budding anew...

Budding anew... by Ev0luti0nary
Budding anew..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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I'l write a description later. I'm off to go and relax for a bit.

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Push it good...

Push it good... by Ev0luti0nary
Push it good..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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I'l write a description later. I'm off to go and relax for a bit.

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Sunday, 18 March 2012

Can I sharpen that for you?

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I don't know what Danbo was thinking. I think he's been sleep deprived and sleep sharpening. Yeah, trying to sharpen a marker is not the best idea. Luckily I caught him before he caused too much damage.

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Saturday, 17 March 2012

A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.

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Today was magnificent. The sun was out, the weather was nice and I actually got to go outside in shorts. Oh how I've missed the simple things. All the snow is pretty much all melted away so the grass was out enjoying the sun too.

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Friday, 16 March 2012

Chip off the old block...

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Such a cheesy title. Anyway, just a macro shot of something inside the new building.

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Swimming in it...

Swimming in it... by Ev0luti0nary
Swimming in it..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Danbo saw this bowl of caramel candies. Needless to say I saw him fall asleep in it.

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Wednesday, 14 March 2012

So it goes...

So it goes... by Ev0luti0nary
So it goes..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Took this at school, the light that was coming through the window was lovely. So I decided to take a picture before the light went away and before I went home. I'm really glad I got to take a picture today and the weather was nice and sunny for once. Glad the sun decided to come up.

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Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Onward Again...

Onward Again... by Ev0luti0nary
Onward Again..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Today was a pretty productive day, I shot the rest of my black and white roll, then I developed it, and then cut it and sleeved it. Another shot I took today, I managed to get my foot somewhat soaked right before I took this because the snow was melting and making this area nice and muddy. At least this shot was worth it and I didn't get my foot soaked to the bone.

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Through you....

Through you.... by Ev0luti0nary
Through you...., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Today was a pretty productive day, I shot the rest of my black and white roll, then I developed it, and then cut it and sleeved it. Here's a self portrait, I love the reflections and the way the end of the hallway is right where the camera is. I'll do a proper self portrait soon, hopefully, if my procrastination doesn't take over that is.

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Partial Truth...

Partial Truth... by Ev0luti0nary
Partial Truth..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Today was a pretty productive day, I shot the rest of my black and white roll, then I developed it, and then cut it and sleeved it. This is one of the shots that I was looking for and knew I wanted. It's a door in a bathroom on campus that has this window with mesh on it. Something you wouldn't expect to see in a bathroom.

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Saturday, 10 March 2012

Through dark times...

Through dark times... by Ev0luti0nary
Through dark times..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Oh man, sorry for yet another old picture. I pretty much spent my day at the doctor's office to take care of my acid reflux. So I didn't really have time to get any good shots even though the weather was quite lovely and warm. Oh well, there's always tomorrow, the weather is looking pretty good for the next week.

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Friday, 9 March 2012

To Shave, or Not to Shave...

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After a couple of days of resting and not feeling like myself, I'm finally back to myself. I hate being sick, it's so annoying. I couldn't do anything that I wanted. I just wanted to lay in bed all day and not do anything. Anyway I wasn't too sick anyway, but it was enough to affect how my days went. I hope you're all doing well, I'll catch up on your streams now.

This is for one of my photography classes. I decided to shoot film and scan it in, instead of digital, I missed film.

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Toiling Bubbles...

Toiling Bubbles... by Ev0luti0nary
Toiling Bubbles..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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After a couple of days of resting and not feeling like myself, I'm finally back to myself. I hate being sick, it's so annoying. I couldn't do anything that I wanted. I just wanted to lay in bed all day and not do anything. Anyway I wasn't too sick anyway, but it was enough to affect how my days went. I hope you're all doing well, I'll catch up on your streams now.

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Running on All Gears...

Running on All Gears... by Ev0luti0nary
Running on All Gears..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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After a couple of days of resting and not feeling like myself, I'm finally back to myself. I hate being sick, it's so annoying. I couldn't do anything that I wanted. I just wanted to lay in bed all day and not do anything. Anyway I wasn't too sick anyway, but it was enough to affect how my days went. I hope you're all doing well, I'll catch up on your streams now.

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Thursday, 8 March 2012

Stuck in Time...

Stuck in Time... by Ev0luti0nary
Stuck in Time..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Sorry for falling behind yet again. I haven't been feeling too well lately. This is just an old film scan, I'll upload more once I start feeling a little better.

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Sunday, 4 March 2012

I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center...

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This is pretty much sooc. Just adjusted the black levels an clarity in lightroom. Today was a pretty mellow, except for the fact that I had to wake up super early to drop my mom off at the airport, since she was going on to Florida for about 3 days. Anyway, this is just from golden hour that was coming through the window.

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Saturday, 3 March 2012

Lost in the Shuffle...

Lost in the Shuffle... by Ev0luti0nary
Lost in the Shuffle..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Sorry for the lack of uploads. I've been a bit busier than usual. That and I've become addicted to temple run.

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Through light yonder window breaks...

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Sorry for the lack of uploads. I've been a bit busier than usual. That and I've become addicted to temple run.

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Emergence... by Ev0luti0nary
Emergence..., a photo by Ev0luti0nary on Flickr.

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Just uploading an old shot to remind you guys I'm still alive. I've just been busy this week. I still have a couple of shots to upload to catch up. I hope I can catch up today. If no at least close to it.

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